Revised Fly-overs for CEDAR/GLO Coordinated Observations.

Rise and Set times are hours after the reference (estimated launch) time. Last Updated: 1 September, 1995.

* Adelaide, Australia (34.6S, 138.5E)
* Albuquerque, NM (35.6N, 106.7W)
* Arecibo, Puerto Rico (18.3N, 66.75W)
* Arequipa, Peru (16.2S, 74.5W)
* Bear Lake Observatory, UT (41.9N, 111.4W)
* Brazilian Bio-Mass Burn (9.6S, 56W)
* Cachoeira Paulista (23S, 45W)
* Christmas Is. (2N, 157W)
* Delaware Observatory, Canada (42.5N, 81.2W)
* Fortaleza, Brazil (4S, 38W)
* Observatoire de Haute Provence, France (44N, 6E)
* Hawaii Is. (20.8N, 157.2W)
* Japan (35N, 140E)
* Jicamarca, Peru (11.9S, 76W)
* Millstone, Mass (42.6N, 71.5W)
* Mt. John, New Zealand (43S, 171E)
* Peach Mountain, MI (42N, 84W)
* Spokane, WA (47.8N, 117.8W)
* Starfire Facility, NM (35.6N, 106.7W)
* Venezuela (10.5S, 64.75W)

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Last Updated: 30 August, 1995
This page is maintained by:
Jesus A. Ramirez (